
Can airbags cause injuries in an accident?

Can airbags cause injuries in an accident?

Albuquerque, NM—An airbag is a safety mechanism that is supposed to serve as a barrier between an individual and their vehicle when they engage in an accident. These “cushions” are located in the front and sides of passenger vehicles and generally inflate right when a crash occurs. While airbags are meant to prevent or reduce a person’s chances of suffering an injury, they sometimes cause harm to those who come in contact with them.


How do airbags cause injuries?


Although front and side airbags have proven to be effective at reducing driver and passenger fatalities, according to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS), they can cause a vehicle occupant to suffer injuries. Here’s how.

When an airbag deploys, it does so at a forceful rate. Any area of the body that is hit by an airbag may become fractured or injured. Some of the injuries a person might suffer after being struck by an airbag include:

  • Whiplash
  • Fractured nose or jaw
  • Eye injuries
  • Chest injuries
  • Neck injuries


Airbags can also contribute to a driver or passenger suffering injuries if it is counterfeit or contains a defect in the design. Airbags that are fake or defective may not deflate in the event of an accident, hence, they are unable to a vehicle’s occupants with protection. In addition, these types of airbags may even explode and cause an individual to suffer more severe injuries.

If an individual was involved in an accident and their airbag either exploded or did not deploy, they should speak with an experienced Albuquerque, NM car accident lawyer as they may have a case against the airbag’s manufacturer.


Connect with a reputable accident law firm in Albuquerque, NM after a car crash


If an individual or a loved one of theirs was injured in a motor vehicle accident in Albuquerque, NM that wasn’t their fault, an attorney at Begum & Cowen can help identify the liable parties and devise a plan on how to hold them accountable. While another driver’s carelessness may have contributed to the accident occurring, there may have been other factors that caused a person to suffer more severe injuries.

For instance, if the airbag failed to deploy or the brakes malfunctioned, not only might an accident victim have a valid personal injury case against the other driver, but also the manufacturer of the automobile or vehicle part. If an accident victim would like help with identifying the liable parties and pursuing them for compensation, they are encouraged to contact Begum & Cowen at 505.257.6515.

Begum & Cowen offers free consultations which means an individual is not obligated to make any financial commitment in order to discuss their case with a qualified car accident attorney.


Begum & Cowen is located at:


2440 Louisiana Blvd. NE, Suite 160
Albuquerque, NM 87110

Phone: 505.257.6515

Website: www.nmlawgiant.com