Will a store cover my medical bills for a slip and fall accident that occurred on their premises?
Store owners in Miami Gardens, FL generally carry general liability business coverage for instances such as this. Small businesses as well as large franchises are usually required by their landlord or property owner to carry certain limits in the event someone gets hurt or an accident occurs within their establishment. Because most businesses are open to the public, which means anyone can walk in, they are automatically covered by the business owner’s insurance policy if they get hurt. Of course, there are certain times where coverage may not be applicable but that depends on the type of accident and how it occurred.
In order to get a claim filed for your accident that occurred in a business, you are going to want to contact a manager, the owner, or a corporate office assistant if the business is a large corporation. Once you notify them of the accident, they are expected to get in touch with their insurance company and find out how to file a claim. You will likely be contacted by the insurance carrier where they will ask for more information regarding your accident which will then help them determine if your accident is covered and what it is worth.
Most claims take at least a few days to process so you might not here back from the insurance carrier right away.
If you want to ensure that your claim is handled properly and filed in a timely manner, you always have the option of hiring an accident lawyer in Miami Gardens, FL. You are going to want to become informed on what your rights are as a slip and fall victim and only our accident lawyers are able to provide you with this information. You have to remember that the insurance company in which the business owner is contracted with is going to look out for their policy holder’s interests, not yours.
This means they could deny your injury claim and state that you contributed to causing the accident and therefore they are not legally responsible for compensating you.
What are Florida’s Laws Regarding Slip and Fall Accidents?
Although you might think that if you become injured on a business owner’s premise they are legally responsible for paying for your medical bills, state statute § 768.0755 states that:
“If a person slips and falls on a transitory foreign substance in a business establishment, the injured person must prove that the business establishment had actual or constructive knowledge of the dangerous condition and should have taken action to remedy it.”
This can become more complicated than you would expect which is why we encourage you to hire a local Miami Gardens, FL accident attorney who can help you identify this proof and get your claim paid.
Slip and fall accidents have the tendency to rack up exuberant medical bills resulting from:
- Hospital visits
- Doctor’s visits
- Therapy
- Prescription medication needed to treat your injuries
Therefore, if you want your claim paid and avoid having the business let off the hook, allow one of our skilled accident and injury attorneys in Miami Gardens take over the case.
While not all businesses will make it difficult for you to collect compensation for an injury that occurred on their property, some will and you don’t need to risk losing out on compensation that could cover these medical expenses that have now accrued.