How long after an accident will a victim receive their settlement in Geismar?
Geismar, LA – Accident victims have to deal with a number of different issues before they can finally receive compensation to pay for their losses. This normally includes insurance claims and documentation, meeting with an adjuster, scheduling visits with doctors, and meeting with a personal injury lawyer. This process can take time, but a person who files a claim or an injury lawsuit quickly and stays in touch with all of the relevant parties may be able to receive their settlement much more quickly.
The statute of limitations
An important aspect of receiving an injury settlement in any state is knowing the statute of limitations. If the victim waits too long to file a lawsuit and their local statute of limitations has passed, they cannot collect any money.
Louisiana has a very short statute of limitations of one year. This means that there should be an insurance claim filed and a discussion with a lawyer as soon as possible after the incident.
Collecting information and discovery
Once the case has been started, the attorneys need to gather and share all of the relevant evidence. The discovery process also is meant to ensure that both sides to the litigation have all of the crucial facts and pieces of evidence necessary to make an informed decision. If it becomes clear that one side has a strong advantage as the discovery process is ongoing, it is likely that a settlement will follow shortly afterward to avoid more wasted time and money.
Negotiations for damages
The plaintiff’s attorney will have a target amount of damages that will be sufficient to pay for things like lost income and wages, medical treatment and hospital costs, doctor’s visits, and non-economic damages tied to pain and suffering. The duration of settlement negotiations can depend on the amount in controversy, the strength of the evidence for each side, and whether the defense attempts to delay to try to get the accident victim to accept a lower offer. Plaintiffs should be advised that patience during this process is crucial to receive the best result.
After the offer is accepted
Once a settlement is accepted and the case has been closed, it will normally take the victim a few more weeks before they actually get their check. The total process from start to receipt of the checks will take most people between a few months and a couple of years, although each case is different depending on the amount and complexity of the information involved.
Scheduling a meeting with an injury attorney
People in Geismar and other parts of Louisiana who need help after an accident can speak with a local lawyer. Miller, Hampton, and Hilgendorf is an experienced group of attorneys who work with clients during the process to receive compensation.
Firm contact info:
Miller, Hampton, and Hilgendorf
3960 Government St., Baton Rouge, LA 70806