There are certain things you are going to want to have after engaging in an accident and one of them is the police report. When it comes to determining who is at fault and what contributing factors played a role in the cause of an accident, that all can be found in the collision report. While this is an essential piece to your car accident claim, hiring one of our Lexington-Lafayette, Kentucky accident attorneys is also important as well.
Lexington-Lafayette accident lawyers can help you understand what you are entitled to and what you might need after an accident has transpired to ensure your claim is handled properly and fairly.
Why do I need a copy of my accident or collision report?
It is important for you have a copy of your accident report so you better understand how the incident was recorded. An accident report does play an essential role in how your insurance or that of the at-fault party is going to determine what your claim is actually worth. And if you sustained injuries or your vehicle was badly damaged, you are going to want to collect what is rightfully due to you.
Some of the information you might find in an accident report compiled by a Lexington-Lafayette police officer includes:
- The date, time, and location of where the accident occurred.
- A description of the vehicles involved including the year, make, model, and even color.
- Statements from drivers, passenger, and witnesses who may have been present when the accident transpired.
- The officers written narrative describing the details of the accident along with what caused it.
- A diagram created by the officer displaying the accident scene.
- The actions displayed by the at-fault driver.
- The contributing factors that caused the accident.
- Whether injuries were sustained and/or property was damages.
While each police report might have more or less than what is listed above, the purpose of it is to describe the accident in detail for anyone who wasn’t there to physically see it, including your insurance carrier.
How Can I Obtain a Copy of my Accident Report in Lexington-Lafayette?
If you have an open case in the Lexington-Lafayette area for an accident or collision, you can obtain a copy five days after the report is filed. The only individuals who are permitted to request a copy of this report are those involved in the incident. There are a few ways you can access this report and these include:
If you wish to obtain your copy, you will need:
- Your case number
- Report date
- Last name of the owner/driver of the vehicle
- $10 for the fee to obtain the report
The Lexington Police Department states that you should use “Lexington Police Department” as the agency name.
You can receive your collision report in person by going to
150 E. Main Street
Lexington, Kentucky 40507
You will need the following:
- Case number
- Name of driver/owner
- Location of collision
- Date of collision
- Photo ID
- $5 to compensate for the fee
By Mail:
You can mail your request but be sure to include all the information that you would need if you were to obtain your copy by walking in. There is also a $5 fee for the report and you need to include a self-addressed stamped envelope. You will need to mail the request to the following address:
Lexington Police Department
Central Records
150 E. Main St.
Lexington, KY 40507
As mentioned, you do want to consider hiring an accident attorney in the Lexington-Lafayette area as they can increase the chances of your insurer providing you with a fair settlement and even help you with the claims process as this can sometimes become difficult.