
Michigan driver arrested after trying to avoid hit and run charges

pedestrian accident

Traverse City, MI – Even though it is illegal to do so, many drivers will leave the scene of an accident to try to avoid responsibility for property damage and injuries. Most drivers will simply return home to try to avoid being found, but it is possible that a hit and run driver can go very far away to try to avoid criminal and civil responsibility. 

Local news for the Traverse City area reported on a hit and run incident that involved a woman who fled to a country thousands of miles from the accident scene [1]. 

Woman from Thailand faces criminal charges for fleeing the country after a fatal accident

The hit and run incident happened in January while the victim was walking on Oakland County Road in the early morning hours. The victim was a 22 year old male student at Michigan State University in Lansing. 

Police believe that the suspect, a 57 year old woman from Oakland Township, fled to her original home country of Thailand to try to avoid prosecution two days after the accident. She had been living and working in Michigan for approximately 20 years at the time of the incident. The Oakland County Sheriff’s Office confirmed that she was being held somewhere in the United States and waiting on the results of a hearing to be returned to the county to face prosecution. In addition to the local charges for the hit and run accident, the suspect is facing federal charges for interstate flight to avoid prosecution.  

Civil lawsuits after hit and run crashes

In a situation like this where the hit and run driver is located somewhere after the crash, the victim or their family may also try to bring a civil auto accident case for compensation. Either the driver or their insurance company will have to pay for various losses associated with the crash. This includes the victim’s medical treatment, their lost income and wages, non-economic compensation for pain and suffering, and future projected losses related to the injuries. Many accident lawyers focus their efforts on trying to assist victims with the process to negotiate a settlement that is sufficient to cover these costs. 

Accident lawyers are available in Michigan

Neumann Law Group is a firm that helps injured clients in the Traverse City area with the process to receive compensation. Those who have recently been involved in an accident can schedule a meeting with their attorneys. 

USAttorneys.com is a service that works with people who need to get connected with a lawyer in their city or state. Anyone who needs a referral to a licensed attorney can call 800-672-3103 to get started. 

Firm contact info:

Neumann Law Group

300 E Front St. #445, Traverse City, MI 49684





  1. https://upnorthlive.com/news/local/thai-american-suspect-in-michigan-hit-and-run-returned-to-us#