As an employee working for someone in the city of Federal Way, WA, you have responsibilities your employer expects you to fulfill. The same applies to your employer. They have duties to follow and laws to abide by to ensure the safety of their workers is never compromised. Unfortunately, not all employers do this which in turn results in accidents and employee deaths.
Many industries, including the field of construction, requires workers to engage in tasks that are compromising and dangerous, which means there is no room for an employer to slip up. When they do, it often results in a failure to put preventative measures in place to ensure their employees’ safety is number one. So, how do you know if your employer was in the wrong and contributed to your recent work accident occurring? We are going to explain that in a bit more detail below.
However, if you work in the city of Federal Way, Washington and were recently involved in a work accident, wants to help get your accident claim filed and processed so that you can begin receiving the necessary benefits you and your family might truly need right now.
How do I know if my employer was responsible for causing my work accident?
Here’s an example of a situation where an employer failed to follow the necessary requirements that may have otherwise saved their worker’s life. The example was provided by OSHA, Occupational Safety and Health Administration, and describes the incident along with where the employer went wrong.
Here’s what happened.
A worker was in the process of climbing down a 400-foot telecommunications tower when he lost his footing. The ladder safety device he was wearing failed to impede his fall and the safety sleeve did not activate properly to stop him from falling. The chest D-ring ripped out of the body harness and he plunged 90 feet to his death.
Here’s where his employer could be held accountable.
- The worker may not have received adequate training on the ladder safety device he was using.
- The pawl of the sleeve was defective. The defect prevented the device from activating which was supposed to catch the worker from falling. If the employer was aware of the defective equipment he/she was allowing his/her workers to use, they and the company could be held accountable for the employee’s death.
- The weight of the worker and his tools/equipment exceeded the 310-lb. rating of the body harness.
- The safety sleeve was connected incorrectly. Instead of it being connected to the harness at the naval D-ring, it was connected to the chest D-ring instead.
As you can see, the employer of this worker failed to ensure the employee had adequate training and was capable of climbing such heights without being at risk of losing his life.
So, if you lost a loved one to a work-related accident or you are the victim of one of these unfortunate events, can place you in contact with a local Federal Way, Washington accident and injury lawyer who can help you seek justice for this misfortune. Although workers’ compensation benefits can provide some sort of relief, you may benefit from filing a personal injury lawsuit against your employer or the company who held some responsibility in causing your accident to occur.