
What is the relevant standard of care for motorcyclists in Austin?

Austin, TX – In order to avoid accident lawsuits, all motorcyclists and other drivers are held to a certain standard of care. More dangerous vehicles such as motorcycles and commercial trucks tend to have additional regulations that need to be followed by those who operate these vehicles. When someone is injured by another motorist, they can argue that the person violated the relevant standard of care and file a negligence lawsuit. If the plaintiff is successful, then the defendant will have to pay for their healthcare, lost wages, and other costs that were due to the accident. 

Having proper credentials

In Texas, all motorcyclists must meet certain requirements to ride legally. This includes obtaining the proper class of license through written and skills tests, and complying with any restrictions on the license. Motorcyclists are also expected to use the skills learned in these courses to drive safely, wear proper protective clothing, and follow other relevant rules. If a motorcyclist is involved in an accident and they do not have the right license and meet the other requirements, this may be used against the person as evidence of negligence in a lawsuit. 

Obeying traffic laws

Drivers are always expected to obey laws related to speeding, traffic control devices, and all applicable rules of the road. Motorcyclists should be careful to follow these rules, as well as any additional traffic regulations that apply exclusively to their vehicles. When someone receives a ticket or is arrested for violating traffic laws during or before a collision, this behavior will likely be used to show that they are at fault for the crash. 

Maintaining the vehicle

When a motorcycle experiences some kind of mechanical problems or malfunctions that cause damage, several parties can potentially be responsible. This may include the owner, the vehicle manufacturer, or any mechanic or repair shop that serviced the vehicle. If the manufacturer is at fault, there may be a products liability lawsuit against them for releasing defective parts or vehicles. Because motorcyclists are more sensitive to inclement weather and other road issues, owners of motorcycles should have their vehicle checked regularly. 

Other aspects of liability

Showing a relevant standard of care and a breach of that standard is significant because those are the first two elements of any negligence case. The plaintiff in a lawsuit must still show that the defendant’s actions were the actual cause of the collision, and they suffered damages or losses. 

Personal injury attorneys in Texas

Robson Law Firm is available to help anyone who has questions after being involved in an accident. The firm focuses on assisting people in the Austin area with all aspects of personal injury lawsuits. 

Firm contact info:

Robson Law Firm

1114 Lost Creek Blvd., Suite 440, Austin TX 78746

